Pro-Ject Power Box RS Amp Virtalähde

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699,00€ / kpl

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Pro-Ject Power Box RS Amp Lineaarinen virtalähde

Parempi äänenlaatu ja lisää tehoa Pro-Ject RS sarjan laitteillesi, jopa kaksi kertaa enemmän ulostulotehoa yhdistettynä Amp Box RS, Amp Box DS & Stereo Box RS kanssa.

Pro-Ject Power Box RS Amp Virtalähde

Yksi Power Box RS Amp kykenee ohjaamaan joko: 1 Amp Box RS tai Amp Box DS (stereo) tai 1 Stereo Box RS tai 2 Amp Box RS mono tai 2 Amp Box DS mono

Linear Power supply that delivers more power and further improves audio quality!

Linear power supply consists of a big toroidal transformer with shielding between primary and secondary winding which acts as an isolation transformer and avoids penetration of interferences from mains into amplifier. This transformer has a big power reserve, compared to a standard power adaptor. It has very low output impedance and in combination with large filtration capability it can easily manage required power of one stereo amplifier or two mono amplifiers. Advice: To avoid magnetic interference do not stack amplifier and Power Box RS Amp!

As every amplifier, also digital ones, are sensitive for good quality of energy they are powered with. It is proven by extensive listening tests, that linear power supplies improve the sound of digital amplifiers significantly. This is what all well known high-end manufacturers already realised. Therefore Power Box RS Amp offers a big sound upgrade at an affordable price!


Recommended accessories:
Connect It Power Cable RS DS 48V-48V

FAQ - Hints for using Power Box RS Amp

Q: Is there an audible difference between usage of special Connect it Power cables instead of standard ones, when Power Box RS power supplies are used?

A: Yes. Power Box RS Amp is quite sensitive on influence of power cable quality. Try to connect it with ordinary cable and then check it with Connect It Power cable. On high resolution systems with CD Box RS and Pre Box RS digital, the better cable offers better separation of instruments and better localization.
Lue lisää

• Suitable for Pro-Ject Audio Systems power amplifiers

• Replaces original “switching” power supplies

• Almost double amplifier power output combined with Amp Box RS, Amp Box DS & Stereo Box RS (2x 200/120 watts 4/8 ohms)

• Significant sound improvement with better dynamic and bass response, improved soundstage

• Compa tible with Amp Box RS, Amp Box RS Mono, Stereo Box RS but also with Amp Box DS or Amp Box DS Mono

• Big toroidal transformer with copper shielding

• Very low output impedance

• Filtration capability 40.000 uF capacitors low ESR types

• Available in silver or black


Technical data

Pro-Ject Power Box RS Amp
Input voltage     AC 230V/50Hz IEC C15 connector

Output voltage     two outputs by 2 x 48V / 2.5A DC each
Filtration capacity     40.000 microFarads
Output voltage ripple     7mV
Power consumption     600 watts max
Dimensions W x H x D     206 x 72 x 200 (220)mm (incl. sockets)

4,8 kg


1 Power Box RS Amp is able to supply either:

1 Amp Box RS or DS (Stereo) or 1 Stereo Box RS or 2 Amp Box RS Mono or 2 Amp Box DS Mono


Power Box RS Amp is not designed to drive two stereo amplifiers!